Friday, October 2, 2009


wah2.. kluar duit baru RP2000 tp msh byk cacatnya..
koq bisa?
lgan ngapain sih nyetak uang cuma 2000, bisa buat beli apa coba??
mndng dana nya buat nolong korban gempa, udh indonesia lg terpuruk bgt, gempa dmn2..ckckckckck..

utk lbh jelas ttg pecahan uang 2000:

Monday, April 6, 2009

Back from long holiday

wahhh, long time no write tis blog ady..
3 mths holiday, go back indonesia, then now start d skul ady..
last week is my horrible week..
mon must submit advertising's assignmment, wed got mid test MA, thurs got presentation case study 4 FA1, then submit IBPF's assignment..
later still got other things to do.. huahhh.. damn tired..
lazy to study laaaaa..

today I went to sunway 4 watching movie and shopping..
got some refreshing, it's going to be better after that..

tis is nice movie actually, but the girl is really dumb. She dont hv money but still buy everything she want..

I think this week I'll be a bit relax, coz can enjoy my weekend without working..hahaha